Patches of Godlight

(My last post was some late night ramblings about my writing and some thoughts on success and all that stuff. It prompted some very encouraging comments from my parents. It also prompted this email I received from my mother. Since she’s the best writer in our family, I thought I’d share this. Hopefully it can offer others out there some encouragement!—Travis)

         Most people grasp for the success of life, not knowing that true success comes only from fulfillment of heart and soul.  Lofty, but what does that mean?  C. S. Lewis once wrote, "We, or at least I, shall not be able to adore God on the highest occasions if we have learned no habit of doing so on the lowest . . . Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you something about the sun which you could never get from reading books on astronomy.  These pure and spontaneous pleasures are "patches of Godlight" in the woods of our experience."
         There are people who want to write and there are people who write but don't know how to write. There are others who think they are writers but only know how to correctly put sentences together, not a real story.  On the other hand, there are the real writers whose hearts are the ink on every page, whose dreams are for every reader to experience that "patch of sunlight" in the book.  Success is defined not by the hard work and imagination, though that is important; it comes from what has been a lifelong vision of the gift that God has given you--a hungering drive that never stops.
         Now, your fingers don't ache from chipping cement, but from the pounding of the keyboard (which is better).  Arthritis may come later, but for now the fingers click along the keys at a rapid pace, each page bringing satisfaction. This is what God molded you for, what a third grade teacher encouraged you to do when she read your story of the pirates.  And to think about it, perhaps your first "patch of Godlight" was that cement truck.  God does have a sense of humor (especially when it's for our good).
         The road gets rough and sometimes rougher as the journey continues.  But it's worth it - there is a goal line to reach and one day we will cross it for the prize - the Super Prize that Christ will reward to all His servants.  God is pleased with perseverance and hard work; it's a wonderful gift from Him.
         Are you good enough?  In the world's eyes, maybe not.  But are you giving it all you've got?  Of course.  Then let no one question you since this is all God asks of any of us.  And devoted to Him, that perfect gift He has given you becomes a consecrated gift of love returned to Him.
         Run the race with joy and thankfulness.
         Much love,
         Your favorite fan—Mom!

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